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A Small Sugarhouse for Maple Syrup Production on Family Farm

By Wood-Mizer, Europe

A Small Sugarhouse for Maple Syrup Production on Family Farm


Maple syrup is a unique product, which is made according to an ancient Indian recipe from the juice of a special type of maple trees grown in North America.

For the barn construction, Herbert sawed roughly 2,8 m3 of white pine and ash on his Wood-Mizer LT40 hydraulic sawmill for siding, trusses, and structural.

“Without my Wood-Mizer sawmill, I would not have been able to take on projects like this if I had to buy the lumber from the store,” said Herbert.




Herbert finished the 4,3m x 6,1m sugarhouse in just six months by using timber frame construction methods.

“I love it. Everybody who sees it wants one,” said Herb. “It’s beautiful”.

By sawing his own lumber, Herbert estimated a $4,000 savings on materials and said his sawmill’s hydraulics helped him the most during the project.

“It is truly a labor of love,” said Herbert. His sugar house will be making syrup for family and friends to enjoy for many years to come.




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