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New Sawmill Company in Thailand Focuses on ROI

By Wood-Mizer, Europe

Nearby sights of Nong Khai


In Amphoe Phon Phisai, Thailand, the biomass factory PSW Parawood has expanded their business to include sawmilling. The owner realized that by sawmilling high quality eucalyptus and rubberwood to produce pallets and furniture, he would also be producing waste wood in the sawmill that could then be used for biomass. By bringing in better and bigger logs for the sawmill, he would be able to diversify his business and tap into new opportunities for revenue.

After looking at the various options for setting up a sawmill, Mr Achawee Pong-uan, the owner of PSW Parawood company, decided that traditional vertical saws and other locally sourced machines would not provide the efficiency, recovery and quality he wanted in his new factory.


The SLP Line helps automate log processing and increase yields with minimal investment.


Instead, he installed a set of machinery from Wood-Mizer – a Smart Log Processing (SLP1) line, an LT15 sawmill, an LT20 sawmill, and bandsaw blade maintenance equipment.

“With the Wood-Mizer sawmills, our timber surface quality and thickness tolerance is much better than other sawmills in the area. Wood-Mizer sawmills are a good solution for sawmillers in Thailand because they improve yield, capacity, and reduces the number of workers needed to operate the machinery.”

Mr Achawee Pong-uan chose the Smart Processing Line (SLP1) in order to reduce the number of required workers, while getting more yield from his high-quality logs by using thinner bandsaw blades. In only two minutes, one log is completely sawn into finished boards ready for kiln drying. Only five workers are needed to operate the SLP line, with an additional person loading logs onto the log deck from time to time.


The LT20 has computer setworks and hydraulic log handing to minimize operator labour


Mr Achawee Pong-uan is convinced that his ROI from the Wood-Mizer machinery will quickly make up for the initial cost and be more profitable and successful in the long term.

The LT15 and LT20 sawmills are used to process larger logs that don’t fit on the SLP processing line. The LT20 has computer setworks and hydraulic log handing to minimize operator labour, while the LT15 is operated manually to saw logs.

PSW Parawood factory is a good example of how forward-thinking companies in Thailand can make the most of improving conditions for sawmills in the country. Modern sawmills provide better ROI than traditional machinery with better quality timber, higher timber yields, less technical maintenance, less energy consumption and fewer workers.

 Manually turning logs on the infeed. Optional mechanized turning is available.


The SLP line requires only 5 or 6 workers to operate.


The entire SLP line. Left to right - edger, resaw, SVS, TVS


Two-sided cants move on from the Twin Vertical Saw


The Twin Vertical Saw provides the primary breakdown.


Thin-kerf blades improve recovery and are cheaper and easier to maintain.


The LT20 has computer setworks and hydraulic log handing to minimize operator labour.


The manual LT15 is an affordable all-purpose sawmill.


Pallets made from eucalyptus timber.


Nearby sights of Nong Khai.


Beyond the Mekong river lies the timber-rich Laos.


Locals enjoy the evening festivities on the Mekong waterfront.


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