Wooden Flooring

FAVORITE WORK FOR LIFE – the story of a woodworker from Sweden

“The lumber they sell at hardware stores is costly, so people look for ways to buy it cheaper. They call me, and I make all sorts of things for them – flooring, walls, and roof paneling, even some specialty moulding for historical houses. For these quality products, I use logs from 200-year-old forests,” explains Hans Larsson, a sawyer and carpenter from the Swedish town of Vansbro.

Sawing Black Locust in Hungary

Not long after Columbus had discovered the new world, Europeans began to order exotic American plants for their gardens. In 1601, the royal gardener of the French king Henry IV planted a tiny black locust seedling. Now 420 years old, that tree is the oldest in Paris!

Crafting Custom Wood Floors is a Creative Outlet for Swedish Project Manager

Nils Ohlin works as a project manager full time, but at home, he’s also managing a growing business producing premium custom wood floors.

From Sawing Raw Logs To Moulding Finished Flooring – One Scotsman Can Do It All With Wood-Mizer Equipment

Just outside of Edinburgh, Scotland, Sandy Crook has retired from his full time tree surgeon business to spend more time with what he really enjoys, seeing timber turned into final products. With his full complement of Wood-Mizer sawmills and new MP360 planer/moulder, he can do everything in-house.

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