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Swedish Homestead Series: How to Operate a Wood-Mizer Sawmill Outdoors in the Winter

By Wood-Mizer, Europe


In this video, Swedish farmer Simeon Fuchs explains how the LT40 hydraulic sawmill helps his farm stay profitable every season. After 15 years and 5,000 hours of milling, Simeon and his father continue to operate their Wood-Mizer sawmill even outdoors in subzero temperatures.

After hooking up the portable sawmill to his vehicle, Simeon transports the LT40 sawmill to an open field. Then he sets up the sawmill on the uneven, snow-covered ground. Simeon’s father edges previously milled boards. Using a durable Wood-Mizer sawmill blade, he cuts three boards simultaneously, which takes only a few minutes. With a hydraulic log turner and hydraulic clamp, the LT40 sawmill operates fast and efficiently in cold weather.



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