High Capacity MP360 Planer/Moulder from Wood-Mizer

Wood-Mizer MP360 Planer/Moulder


Wood-Mizer has released the MP360 four-sided planer/moulder — high-production, large capacity machine engineered for workshops. With a larger capacity and higher hourly production levels than the popular Wood-Mizer MP260 planer/moulder, the MP360 planes and moulds boards and beams on all four sides in a single pass into a variety of finished products.

Wood-Mizer’s MP360 Planer/Moulder Top Features:

• 4-sided planing and profiling in one pass.

• Large 4-sided cutting capacity - 350 mm wide x 160 mm high.

• Even larger 1-sided and 2-sided planing/moulding capacities.

“The MP360 Planer/Moulder is really a woodworker’s dream come true,” said Robert Baginski, Wood-Mizer Industries President. “By combining a Wood-Mizer sawmill with the MP360, our customers get full control of the entire woodworking process from raw logs to finished products.”

In addition, Wood-Mizer offers the advanced MP365 featuring with a fifth spindle cutter that can tilt up to 270 degrees, so the operator can add one more profile from any side, or attach sanding or brushing tools to deliver a final finish to the 4-sided profiled timber.

Requiring minimal assembly, the MP360 and MP365 ship to customers on a pallet. Wood-Mizer supplies also planer knives and moulding profiles, as well as a comprehensive sawdust extraction systems.

Wood-Mizer's reputation as a worldwide manufacturer of narrow band sawmills is expanding as the company now offers a bigger range of equipment that can seamlessly converts logs into lumber and further, through some processing, into finished wood products.












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