Wood-Mizer Releases Heavy Duty EG800 Board Edger & Multirip

TITAN EG800 manual board edger and multirip


Wood-Mizer has released a new TITAN EG800 Manual Board Edger, a truly versatile machine designed to offer a twofold solution to small and medium-sized sawmills needing a more efficient processing.

TITAN EG800 Manual Board Edger TOP FEATURES:

• Quick and easy maintenance due to bolt-in sub-assemblies.

• Variable feed speed, up to 60 m/min.

• Heavy duty modular rollers.

This robust machine’s primary function is to edge boards received from a resaw or vertical saw. It edges material up to 40 mm thick at high speeds, making it the ideal companion to Wood-Mizer’s TITAN Resaws. It can also be run at slower feed speeds to rip material up to 100 mm thick.

The edger is equipped with four sawblades standard, but the wide arbour can be packed with multiple blades according to the customer's needs. The edger’s power feed system comes standard at 0 – 60 m/min with electronic variable feed speed control.

It is powered by a 30kW motor, or optionally 37kW, 45kW, or 55kW motors.

The EG800 can optionally be equipped with lasers to assist with board alignment.

Whichever its intended use, this versatile machine is incredibly robust and easy to maintain. An affordable, hardworking solution for any mill! 

Contact your local Wood-Mizer representative to learn more about Wood-Mizer Edger range or get an offer for Wood-Mizer EG800 board edger.





























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