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Mobile Solar Kiln Protects Lumber From Insects And Water Damage

By Wood-Mizer, Europe

A mobile solar kiln in North Carolina

A homesteader Nathan Brown from North Carolina, USA, was tired of powder-post beetles destroying the lumber he laid out to air dry, so he decided to build a solar kiln.

A homesteader Nathan Brown with his mobile solar kiln

"The solar kiln will cook those little buggers and keep them out of my wood," said Nathan. The design for the kiln came from a set of free plans from Virginia Tech University. However, putting the solar kiln on wheels using a refurbished mobile home trailer was Nathan's idea.

The kiln is mobile to move it into the sites with the best solar gain

"I wanted the kiln to be mobile so that I could haul it around the farm and to other milling sites to optimize the best solar gain," he said.

The design for the kiln came from a set of free plans from Virginia Tech University

Using a Wood-Mizer LT15 sawmill with DoubleHARD blades, Nathan cut 1,3 cubic meters of timber to complete the 36 square meters project in just five weeks. He designed the kiln with a combination of tulip poplar, red oak, and pine, and it takes on an aesthetically stunning dimension and view. Not only did Nathan save around 2,500 dollars by completing the project himself, but he will also save money in the future by having the ability to dry his own lumber on-site.

Nathan used the LT15 sawmill to complete the kiln building

"I started this project because I wanted to create high quality, finish grade lumber with my LT15," said Nathan. "As a finish carpenter, I appreciate the value of properly dried wood to the best moisture content."

The exterior is lined with a layer of zip board


Nathan built the kiln subfloor with pressure-treated boards bolted to the frame of the refurbished trailer. The exterior is also lined with a layer of zip board for blocking moisture from entering the kiln. Nathan also used planed tulip poplar boards to finish the kiln and topped it all off with red oak battens and trim.

"Everyone who sees the kiln comments on how beautiful it looks," said Nathan. "The beauty of this project would not have been possible without my LT15! Now that it's done, I'm ready to start sawing again so I can load the kiln with lots of timber."

Nathan save around 2,500 dollars by completing the project himself

The kiln exterior is made from planed tulip poplar boards

Now the kiln is ready to be loaded with lots of timber


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